Monday, 18 February 2013

High angle

The problem with high angles when the subject is wearing a long coat is that they may end up looking like diddymen.This week, I have been experimenting with high angles, and here is the dreadful result. It's not as easy as it seems, folks. You need to get some distance between you and the subject, ideally hopping on one of those strange monopod step things that look like upturned buckets.

Take extreme care not to be seen. Security guards guard these things, and also those little metal stairs that lead nowhere that seem to be lying around in supermarkets. The purpose of the stairs is, of course to get high angle shots, but art of the game involves not being seen by security guards, shelf stackers, or store managers. They get very possessive over their things.

This is a bad entry. Very unflattering.

Composition:  The high angle is good, but not good enough to negate the fact that it looks like Tixi has no legs. I mean, she is short, but not that short. She's short tempered too. Good job she doesn't read this blog, eh? 
Pose: I was trying to catch the 'pidgeon toes of shoppingdom', as I call them, and I have almost captured it, but not totally successfully. I shall try for close ups next. 

Monday, 4 February 2013

The left leg lift

Once again, I managed to get the top shelf photo...looking good, looking good. With my stunning model getting the pose just right - the left leg lift at just the right angle, I am pretty pleased with this one. It's an improvement on the previous disaster.

Nice, clean floor, the use of perspective and there is even a golden mean element to it.

Composition: I think this could be better, personally, there's just something not right about the angle. It's ever so slightly canted, and that isn't deliberate, I'm sad to say. It leans back the wrong way. Oh well. It's a  from me.

Pose: I can't fault the model. She is well practiced at this particular pose, and it fascinates me. I could watch her taking stuff off the top shelves for hours. In fact, I just have. Good on her! It's a thumbs up from me: