Tuesday, 12 April 2011


We had a springclean, the missus and me. I told her not to tidy the cables and things that are near the computer table but would she listen? I tell you, she's got a mind of her own. Anyway the upshot of it all is that I can't find my phone charger. The battery has run out and we're off to the supermarket as usual, and there's me without a phone. I remembered that I have a really old phone that I hardly ever used, so I quickly charge it up one bar before we go out.

The next thing I know, I look at the phone only to find it has NO camera on it at all! Just a funnel for putting the coal in one end, and a crank handle to get it started.

Anyway, quick as a flash, I borrowed the other half's posh video camera. It does video and you can take still shots from it too, and I managed to get some rather decent shots in my opinion.

Not bad this new fangled technology. Doesn't make phone calls though, but it filled a gap whilst I search for the phone charger.

Here we go then!

Long shot from the fruit aisle. I was just warming up with this shot really. Nothing fancy. A trifle conservative if you ask me.

Reduced to clear
Here we have a lovely shot from a high angle of the missus checking out all the wonderful reduced products...all the out of date stuff that ASDA are about to throw away but reduce to 17p in case some mug wants to buy last months Salt Fish Patty. But it was 17p though.

Back view
I realised I didn't have a decent back view for my portfolio, and this took quite a bit of "boxing about" to get the camera into exactly the right position. Not bad, but there's more to come...

Remote control
Okay, now there is a remote control hanging our of the back of my wife there. Let me explain. So many of our fans write to us here at The Supermarket Game Headquarters asking for particular poses...some of you lovely people out there go one further and even send in props for the missus to wear during our supermarket expeditions. Well, one of our fans sent in a pair of lazer ear gadgets...you wear them in your ears and they can shoot flippin' laser beams out of your ears! Well, I couldn't believe it. But, I managed to install the things into the ears without too much fuss, but the tricky part was taking the snaps without the missus knowing about it.

Lazer ears
It's like something from James Bond, isn't it? You just don't know how hard it is to press the buttons on a remote control that is realistically one foot away or less from the lazers, and still get enough distance from the subject to attain a shot like this. Arms length in both directions, if you follow. I blocked a whole aisle to get this tricky shot. Now look - you see the green thing above the red lazer ear? I thought it reminded me of a traffic light, so I worked really hard on getting something green UNDER the red light for the next shot, so it would look even more like traffic lights. Ready?

Laser ears / traffic light
Super eh? If you count her brass button as an amber, you have a traffic light right there in aisle 3 of ASDA.

Standy up thing for stacking the top shelf.
Every store worth its salt has one of these things. It is like a beheaded R2D2. A stool without legs, just tiny wheels underneath. If you apply weight to the thing, it stops rolling around and you can stand on it. I stood on this one just long enough to take this extra high angle shot.

----- BONUS GAME! -----

ASDAs little helper.

Another fan of the Supermarket Game asked us some time back if we could include a picture a shelf stacker...so here is the BONUS GAME! I have been toying with the BONUS GAME for a while, thinking it would be worth a point for each store employee you manage to get into your shot.

This is worth only one point, BUT it is a double whammy because if you look you will see that little ASDA shelf stacker is controlling the remote for the lazer ears wired into my wife's brain! Fantastic.

No marks for Composition or Pose this time, because I feel it's cheating - I took video and sifted through to find the best poses. Not the same as waiting for the moment with your phone camera...Wonder if I'll ever find my charger again?

That's all for now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Keep sending your letters and postcards in, and remember - you too can join the game if you wish to join in the fun. Just drop me a line and ask, and I'll show you how to get started playing THE SUPERMARKET GAME!

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